May 8, 2023

Crack Open the Power of Possibilities with IQX

Crack Open the Power of Possibilities with IQX

It’s All in a Nutshell with IQXTM

In today's fast-paced business world, staying ahead of the competition is essential for success. To do so, companies must constantly strive to streamline their operations and workflows, making them more efficient and effective. This is where IQX comes in. It is an all-in-one platform that enables businesses to manage their devices, supplier quality, and food safety processes with ease. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive set of tools, makes managing daily operations a breeze, helping businesses achieve their goals and unlock their full potential.

So, are you ready to join the ranks of successful companies by cracking open the power of possibilities with IQX?

The adoption of software management tools that gather and analyze data from analytics instruments has become essential for success. One of the key approaches to achieving this is through the use of a secure SaaS software solution that offers data management for the food processing industry. This solution offer a range of benefits, including managing audit and compliance reporting, supplier quality, food safety, supply chain, device management, and powerful automation tools. The intelligence data gathered and aggregated by the SaaS software solution can be used to gain insights through tools, dashboards, and templates.

The new cloud-based software solution offers the advantage of accessibility, allowing information to be accessed from any location using various devices. This is especially important in the rapidly changing nature of the food industry, where quick decisions and actions are often necessary. The adoption of software management tools allows for the transformation of food safety and quality records into data intelligence, improving business decisions, operational performance, and profitability.

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Device Management

The device management workspace is a foundation of earlier fleet management software, which FOSS has proudly delivered to the market for decades. Device Management provides all the necessary tools to configure and monitor instruments and products, as well as organizing and viewing data in a structured way. Two new features have been added to this workspace:

1. Health Notification Service that provides real-time notifications and corrective recommendations in case of instrument failures or non-compliance to the agreed standard operating procedures.

2. Report and Insights tool, which provides valuable insights and overviews of your network status, instrument availability, and analytical performances.

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Supplier Quality

In the IQX Supplier Quality workspace, the tools can help food producers stay on top of urgent matters by keeping supplier information centralized and updated. QA managers are able to consult the IQX platform to see which suppliers' documentation is expiring in the next 30 days, thus avoiding any critical audit findings.

1. Complaint Management and Audits Modules allow easy registration of complaints and audits, allowing QA Managers to prioritize follow-ups with suppliers based on their criticality.

2. Material Evaluation Module provides automated reports based on advanced analytics, saving QA managers a significant amount of time.

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Food Safety

In the Food Safety workspace, IQX aims to create one collected site where all company stakeholders have a reliable and centralized source of information that aids in eliminating the paper monster. Through the intuitive design, you can easily log on to the system and perform tasks with the step-by-step toolsets. The system helps prioritize actions that need to be taken and manage instruction documents, tasks, and audits.

With IQX, it is easy to manage your operations and workflows efficiently. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive toolsets make it easy for all levels of your team to achieve the goal of saving time and increasing efficiencies.

So what are you waiting for?

Let IQX help you unlock the power of your data and turn analytics into actionable insights. With its comprehensive toolsets and intuitive design, you can streamline your operations and workflows to stay ahead of the competition. Don't let inefficiencies hold you back – crack open the power of possibilities with IQX today!

FOSS and IQX are trademarks of the FOSS Group.

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image - Graphs Qualitative Data Analytics Presentation
image - Counting Food Production Inventory Software
image - Close Up Photo Of Sunflower