Code of Conduct

The FOSS Supplier Code of Conduct 

FOSS has a history of working closely with suppliers. Our procurement teams build relationships with suppliers ensuring that they provide the best value in regards to quality, delivery and costs. We collaborate with our suppliers and assist them in meeting our requirements and expectations. FOSS has always believed that being profitable and responsible go hand in hand: it is part of our philosophy, values and they way we do business. Thus, it was a natural step for FOSS to be- come part of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest sustainability initiative, with over 8000 business participants. As a signatory to the Compact, FOSS is obligated to integrate ten princi- ples in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption into its operations. 

Moreover, we are committed to advancing the Compact’s ten principles in our sphere of influ- ence, including the supply chain. 

This Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations we have of all FOSS and SOFTFLOW business partners in regards to the Compact’s ten principles. 

Health and Safety 

All employees are entitled to a safe and healthy environment in their workplace. The Supplier shall ensure that training and protective equipment are provided to employees, and actions are taken to avoid accidents. Sanitary equipment, canteens and housing provided to employees are built and maintained in accordance with applicable legal requirements. As a minimum, the com- pany must provide employees with drinking water, clean toilets in adequate number, proper venti- lation, emergency exits, proper lighting and access to medical care. 

Working hours 

The supplier must ensure that applicable national legal requirements on working hours, including overtime, and work benefits are complied with. Workers shall be allowed at least one day off every seven days, and overtime shall be voluntary. 


At a minimum, salaries should correspond with national salary legal requirements and meet em- ployees’ basic living needs. Compensation for overtime hours shall be at a higher rate than for normal working hours. 

Child labour 

FOSS does not employ children and neither supports, encourages or endorses any form of child labour as defined by ILO Conventions on child labour. Supplier must not employ children under the age of 15, or if local legislation sets a higher minimum age, then the legal limit shall apply. 

Freedom of Association 

Suppliers shall respect the legal right of employees to voluntarily join or form trade unions, as well as bargain collectively in negotiations with management on key conditions of employment. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the employer does not hinder the development of parallel means for independent and free associa- tion and bargaining. 

Forced Labour 

FOSS does not tolerate forced or compulsory labour, modern slavery or human trafficking. The Supplier shall ensure that staff are employed voluntarily and of their own free will. No employee will be forced to accept employment, work overtime or have their identification papers retained. 

Equal opportunities 

The supplier ensures that employees are treated equally in regards to recruitment, advancement, job training and salary. All employees have the same opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Personal privacy is respected; discrimination and verbal or psychological harassment is not tolerated. 

The Environment 

We expect that our suppliers take measures to reduce their environmental impact particularly in the areas of chemicals and hazardous waste, wastewater, water and energy usage. Suppliers shall always comply with national legislation and legal requirements. 

Business Ethics 

FOSS expects that suppliers will not engage in any form of bribery or corruption, including the of- fering, requesting, or receiving of bribes, monetary or otherwise; nor engage in unethical or fraud- ulent practices. 

FOSS is committed to collaborating and working with suppliers who share our belief in acting re- sponsibly. If a supplier does not live up to our expectations, prompt action shall be taken by the supplier to address any violation. In cases where a supplier does not rectify a violation, we re- serve the right to terminate the business relationship. 

Adherence to the principles will be included in audits carried out at the Supplier.