IQX Webinars

Join our ever-expanding list of webinars within Food Safety, Supplier Quality and Device Management

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Join experts as they explore the latest trends and innovations in food and agricultural analytics. Watch our past webinars on-demand or sign up for upcoming sessions to stay informed.

See our Upcoming webinars

See our Upcoming webinars

Watch our previous webinars

Understanding the New FSMA Guidance

Watch as Kathy Gombas, former FDA expert and FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCHF) curriculum leader, give you a comprehensive review of the updated FSMA Guidance pertaining to human food production, insights into how these updates will impact production sites and compliance requirements and guidance on accessing essential training and resources for navigating PCHF v2.0.

Solid Start with IQX

An exclusive 10-minute demonstration of FOSS IQX, led by product expert Ronny Pradon, on the key differences between the old FOSSManager and the new IQX platform. Followed by a 30-minute interactive Q&A session with questions sent in by users in advance. The recordings are originally in English with AI-generated translation in French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.

Modernizing Fleet Management

Explore the benefits of a centralized fleet management system in our webinar, Modernizing Fleet Management. Nutreco’s Maarten Scholtes-Timmerman shares insights on challenges, decision-making parameters, and tools for optimizing fleet operations through digitalization. Unlock actionable data insights to enhance efficiency and profitability. Don’t miss this transformative case study!